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Monday, July 30, 2007


I love meeting on line friends!

Rhonda lives near me (or close enough in Cali miles) it is about 35 - 45 min away! We are on Insane Scrappers together! Tracie paired the 2 of us for a bottle partner swap!

And well Rhonda having moved here from Oregon is finally ready to brave the freeways of Southern California Freeways!
So we decided to meet at the Ontario Mills Mall . My meeting place of choice Pat and Oscars was well out of business so we settled to meet in front of Dave and Busters but went and ate at BJS Restaurant and Brewhouse . We ate and chatted and then scurried off to Wootens Scrap Store - a very packed but cool scrap store!

We shopped and talked (damage $23 and change) then off to JoAnns super store! Damage 30 and change! Then we sadly parted ways we spent from like Noonish time until after 5!

Our plan is to get together more often! Thinking of a drive down her way to see the store that she is a design team member for!
Isn't she COOL!


Artful Creations by Tracie said...

YEA!!! I'm so thrilled you girls got to FINALLY MEET! She's only been there for what, 2 years now?!?! I'm sure that a drive on the Cali freeway is NOTHING like anywhere in the U.S. (I drove it once way back when...) anyway, so glad you two had a fabulous time and what a cute picture of you two!!!

Anonymous said...

I've not met her either and I know her from somewhere. Possibly Lifetime Moments, or Divalicious.

Was great scrapping with you last night ... that is until your dsl died out!

Pauline said...

She is on lifetime moments, we should all get together and go scrapstore shopping.

They say that they were doing maintenance on the lines that is why i couldn't stay connected!

Loreluca said...

How cool is that! So neat that you guys get to meet often! Wish Chciago was a 45 minute drive, too!
:( Maybe one day you'll come... I'll be there to shop with you, too!