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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Where have I been!

found a cool where you input the states that you have visited and might i say that hers is full of red while mine i am sure is going to be that gray color!

showed all the cool states she has been too it is so red! Well i wanted to show how in comparision to them I don't travel!!
Guess i need to start traveling!

create your own visited states map
or check out these Google Hacks.


Anonymous said...

Yes but Tracie cheats! She included states she's driven through! I think. At least she said she was going to. I only included states I've actually slept in!

Pauline said...

That isn't cheating ... that is what i DID ... hey i was their i didn't say that i had to do somethin' in that state!

Ginny said...

That is cool! I have barely been to any states at all, including driving through (which I would include btw, lol)

Loreluca said...

Ok, woman, the next state SHOULD be Illinois that you put in RED... Am I understood or WHAT?