Ladies and Gentlemen who read my blog i want to introduce you to
Nathan (nate), Tricia, and Gwyneth
Tricia has CF and is recovering from a double lung transplant.
Gwyneth was born a micro-preemie and continues to thrive
Nate blogs their story ...
I am a huge blog hopper and I came across his blog some time ago and i check regularly for updates and the latest happenings
What i will share will shock most of you as i am a very private person for the most part but i think it is so important to be an organ donor and give someone else life!
Why you ask?
Well my cousin passed in 1987 at a young age from this disease (she was not a candidate for a transplant to be honest i am not even sure that they were doing this back then) Trying to find a cure has always been something that i follow and is near and dear to my heart. I often participate in great strides walk, bowl for breath, climb for hope, golf tournaments etc ....
Fast forward many years to 2000 i met the most wonderful man Tom (we became fast friends and i have to say he is one of my best friends). Tom's daughter had CF too, and put up one doozer of a fight. She was a candidate for a double lung transplant and yes she had a successful one she lived almost 3 more yrs before her body started rejecting the lungs, she passed several years ago
The selfless act that gives Tricia the chance to watch her daughter grow, the selfless act that allowed Tom 3 more precious years with his daughter is awesome ...
So i ask you all are you organ donors? If not why? Why not allow someone the chance???
Continue to follow Nates story and watch what being an organ donor can do!!!!
Yes I am an organ donor! :)
Thank you!
Yes, I am an organ donor and have been since the very beginning. I hope to one day be able to help those that need it.
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