Here are the rules:
Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Here are my 7 random/weird facts:
1. I have to be color coordinated (yes that includes bras and panties).
2. In 114 degree weather I will sleep with a blanket on (more layers for someone like the night stalker to get through)
3. I take a shower in the morning and one at night and on a hot day one in the afternoon
4. Up until about 2 yrs ago my food on my plate couldn't touch (yep no mashed taters and gravy for me)
5. i like salt on my watermelon
6. In sept i will become a grandma times 2 (by marriage) but i will only be a 37 yr old grandma (hip and young)
7. i prefer my water at room temp.
I am going to tag - Jodie, Becky L, Becky D, Julia, Angela, Kathy C, Jacquie
I answered on my blog!
Neat facts! I have to put lime and salt to my watermelon (and hot chili powder of sauce!)
Guess what - I blogged. LOL
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