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Sunday, May 25, 2008

My Birthday

Came and went without much partyin .... i was at school lol ... My friend Lori and her family did bake me a cake and throw me a small get together / pool party at her house .. As tim had my digital camera in CO i had to use the 35 mm but i begged a digital from one of the kids and was able to take a few pictures. We had a homemade spice cake with some cool wiggley candles ...

We tried to spend a little time in the pool but the water was so cold that all i managed to get in the pool was my toes ... not sure if the water was cold or not as my toes were froze!

We ate great BBQ food and lots of goodies the kids and I played a card game of baseball then headed out to the front yard to play some street volleyball

at what point am i going to remember that i am old.
Kenny and I headed off to get some movies and the girls played sidewalk chalk .. here are a few of their creations

All in all it was a nice belated day to get older.

1 comment:

Naomi Ockeman said...

Happy belated birthday! looks like you had a nice fun time!