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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Pages 273 - 279 More of tim's birthday

MORE Pages done today YEAH ... i slept in a bit and decided not to head out, we have a wedding celebration to go to tonight late so i decided to take advantage of the day and scrap. I managed to finish all my June swaps, start on July and August. In August i have a bunch of page swaps due so i did my first set of 4 today they were ocean sports i did a very cute surfing page. Sorry didn't take pictures before i packaged them up to ship out. On to the fun stuff. Here is Tim's birthday invite! The 50's around the page are from the toothpick holders that i used as decorations at his party. The circles are cut from Junkitz salsa line (thanks trisha)

What is a party unless you have food and decorations. The paper is again from the salsa line by Junkitz

Amy and I hung lots of Decorations around the room! (Thanks friend for the help) She also helped prepare the food and get everything ready!

It wasn't s huge turn out of people but those that were there were treated to a slide show that highlighted tims life, food, friends, cake and loads of fun!
Here is the ice cream cake that we had .. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIM! Alot of the elements found on these pages were a pif from Elaine ...


{Ãñgê£}ä said...

Those all look fabulous! I don't know how you do it - work, school, wedding, scrapping, swapping - not to mention the normal daily stuff - you are superwoman! ;)
And I really like that salsa junkitz line.

Naomi Ockeman said...

these are great...I love the cake....