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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pages 280 - 293 -- more from Tim's Birthday

14 pages today! This first layout is from a photo op board that was in the waiting area while we waited to catch our bus to the hoover dam!
Not bad for a days worth of work. Mom cancelled on going to the Mall to find her outfit for the wedding so i took a nap then started in on scrapping .. managed these 14 pages 2 swaps 1 load of laundry cleaned the bathroom and did the dishes! I worked more on Tim's pictures from his Birthday in Jan ... thanks to holley and her awesome pif of M&M stuff i was able to get lots done!

The botanical gardens were at the ethel m chocolate factory where we stopped on the way to the hoover dam! We got to see how chocolate is made and get samples and walk the cactus garden . These 2 pages were from the swap with the girls at the Chino Swaps!

! The letters are Heidi swapp!
This picture not that you can see to well is a statue all made of chocolate and their are cards on it! It was so cool the place smelled heavenly! I used brads from the i don't' want to sort jar as they didn't need to match since M&M's are all different colors. Again thanks Holley for the great pif!
The ribbon is from Michael's and has some great candy suckers on it!
The swirl in the corner is a cut i made on the expressions i used the piece that popped out on tim's gift page! These pages are pictures from when we were in the M&M store on the Las vegas strip! The page kit i created when i first started swappin a few years ago. The lady totally flaked on the swap and i got like 4 of the 5 back that i made and i had them hidden in a box, but i have been diligently working to get all my swaps out and used!

These pages are while inside the store, they have a little show and a place to walk through to see what it would be like if you were making M&M's cute and corny!

These are just random pictures of cool things in side the store! I always manage to take too many pictures and spend too much money!


The Covert Lover said...
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{Ãñgê£}ä said...

Ah-ha I'm finally signed in!
Ok, so my sister would go crazy for all that M&M stuff!
Great job on all the pages, and I'm glad I'm not the only one with an "I don't want to sort" jar. :)

TJ said...

Your pages rock and so does your blog

Pauline said...


Naomi Ockeman said...

i love them...and now I want M&Ms...i love that place in vegas..