Back what seems like a few years ago, i was working in daycare when this wonderful couple walked in with a very unsure little girl. Whom they decided to leave in daycare with me. Her name was Ryann. Mommy was pregnant with brother and was on bedrest. When brother (Dylan) came into the world i not only became Ryann's preschool teacher but a babysitter. Within a year i had met Tim and would often take him with me on babysitting duties. We became a part of the "family" and a friendship was set ... fastforward a few years and Ryann is graduating from Dana Hills High School. 
in a class of over 600 kids, Ryann graduated with a gold medallion, meaning she graduated with a 3.5 - 3.99 GPA. SHE TOTALLY ROCKS!
Here is the PROUD daddy!!
The PROUD mommy!!
The excited brother (see Ryann is going to be leaving in Sept for School)
A very proud Preschool Teacher and Friend ... RYANN ... you rock!!! Best of luck as you embark on the college journey!
A hug from Tim .... i think he might have gotten teary eyed watching this one! As he said from a little girl to a beautiful young lady full of dreams ...
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