ALL i can say is WOWSA ... i was at the park on Saturday May 31 and to wake up on June 1st and see it gone was a shock! At Universal MOVIE MAGIC Is at its best! The following pictures were taken from mean i was here .... i will post pictures tonight from my camera that shows the same things but all standing an all AWE inspired!

What a sad day at universal to lose the movie magic both the sets and the reels!

A thick column of smoke rises Sunday behind a set used in Steven Spielberg's film 'War of the Worlds.' The fire, which was two city blocks wide at one point, burned for more than 12 hours. The famous courthouse square from 'Back to the Future' was among the sets destroyed by the fire. (THE TRAM WE WERE ON WENT BY THE WAR OF THE WORLDS SET; I HAVE OODLES OF PICTURES TAKEN FROM PAST TRAM RIDES OF THE BACK TO THE FUTURE SET ... WHAT A SAD DAY ... THE BLUE SCREEN YOU SEE WAS USED IN APOLLO, BRUCE ALMIGHTY, AND SO MANY MANY MORE)

Rubble clutters the New York street facade at the studio lot. The fire torched a streetscape featured in 'Bruce Almighty,' 'Spiderman 2' and 'Transformers.' An exhibit housing a mechanical King Kong also burned. The New York streetscape will be rebuilt, a Universal spokeswoman said. ( I WAS INSIDE KING KONG EXHIBIT LESS THAN 24 HRS BEFORE THE BLAZE IT IS SAD TO THINK THAT IT WON'T BE SEEN AGAIN)

A firefighter surveys damage Monday from the weekend blaze at Universal Studios in Universal City, Calif. The fire was started accidentally by workers using a blowtorch to attach shingles to a roof on a movie set, authorities said.
WOW WHAT DESTRUCTION --- The smell of smoke hung in the air as the Universal lot opened back up to tourists Monday.
Wow, I cannot believe how much damage was done to the back lot. John is in mourning as one of his favorite movies Back to the Future lost its set.
Can't wait to see your pics from the weekend.
WOWSERS, Pauline! i guess it puts it much more into perspective when you hear it from someone like you, who has been there so many times and for whom it's almost like a "backyard". I heard they are building those sets again, but we'll have to see...
The so saddens me too. I guess being from Cali and going to Universal a handfull of times, it's just such a nostalgic loss! :(
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