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Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Family is family even if we don't talk!
I found George and Stacy through his myspace and discovered they were expecting. In reading the myspace tonight this is what he has to say:

Hello Family and Friends,Alaura Jewel Francis was born 7/20/08 at 10:16 PM and weights 6.7 pd and measures 18 in. Alaura is having a problem breathing on her own and was transferred to Loma Linda Childrens hospital. She is currently in stable condition. The doctors and nurses are all waiting on test to be completed to determine the problem. We should know more in the next few days!Please pray for Alaura to have a quick recovery!!!George & Stacy

(George is my mom's sisters son, my aunt debbie (george's mom) died a few years ago and his sister Laura Lynn died in 87 ... my aunt's middle name was jewel ... what a AWESOME tribute to these two)

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