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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pages 355 - 359 More HOLLYWOOD and Jacquie

What is a trip to Hollywood without Graumanns Chinese Theater! and all those cool hand and footprints. I did these pages iwht the aide of sketches from classy coordinates!

Next 2 pages i started the other night but finished tonight!
Tha alphabets on these pages were a pif from scrapbook_pifs (can't remember who sorry :(
Jacquie as close to Orlando as she feels she will ever become ... hey i am just impressed that i used the Rusty Pickle paper i bought from the shop hop with Rhonda!


Anonymous said...

I feel that you are correct. That IS the closest to his gorgeousness that I'll ever get! *sigh*

Can't believe you are almost done with these! BRAT! I haven't even begun to think about scrapping these, although I should. They'd be relatively easy since 1) I can copy you and 2) they are one subject!

Nice job chica.


Pauline said...

I am almost sad to be finished. It seems they went to quick,. I am never very happy with the ones from inside the museums.... i just never know what to do with them ...
thanks for the memories!!!!

Loreluca said...

MAN! I really am slow! I was thinking Orlando, FL!!! Couldn't really understand...
LOVE Rusty Pickle! And love shop hops even more!