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Friday, January 02, 2009

I made it to the Rose Parade Float Viewing

I made it! I was even early! We had McDonalds while we waited for the shuttle to take us over to the float viewing.
Once we arrived at the float viewing the amount of people that were present were awe inspiring.
We had to wait to get into the actual area, once in it was easier to navigate the floats and people than i had anticipated it to be. I took over 400 pictures myself and Derrick/Hayley and Lori had cameras going and they will be sharing their pictures as well!
This was an awesome experience and i was suprised that i didn't smell "Floral" all day and i was in awe at how REAL the FLOATS looked!
Here are a couple shots from the day!

I am posting the rose parade pictures as day 1 of project 365

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