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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tin Mine Canyon Trail via Skline trail

Well i was all set to hike the tin mine canyon trail but my peeps showed up late so i missed out on hike. .....I will go back another day. They say at the tin mine canyon trail there are signs that point out the poison oak and there are information posts about the mining history of the area. The Tin Mine is all of a mile into the hike and it is right along side the trail. It is closed off to the public with metal posts of course for safety reasons.
The real fun of this hike takes place after the end of the actual trail. You can follow the creek for an additional two miles or so into the canyon. The vegetation is very dense and the canopy protects you from the sun. On the day that we ventured out here it felt more like a rain forest than the desert. But here are my late peeps and i enjoy walking the trails and learning all about the things that teenage boys are doing these days ... makes me appreciate the fact that i am not a parent LOL. There is something said for being late, while the group was late and i walked back down to meet them i got in an extra .5 miles so all in all for the night i was able to log 3.13 miles. Because my group was late we were able to see this little beauty. I confess i would not have seen him had dana not screamed and moved rather quickly. He quietly posed for pictures with scot and we all went on our marry way :) HAPPY HIKING!!

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