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Thursday, January 01, 2015

DECLUTTER - that is the name of the game in 2015

I want to get a handle on all the junk that is my life :) so snopping around pinterest today a post about de-cluttering your home and it only takes 15 min a day so I am thinking that I will start this tomorrow put I want to post what I should have done from the 1st until now :) so bare with me :)

here is the facebook page
Today's de-cluttering mission, for January 13th, 2015, is to de-clutter your junk drawer. This is I know a lot of you have been mentioning as dreading this month, so let's all tackle it together today and bring chaos to the madness! Here's my article with ideas and inspiration for organizing your junk drawer today. or if you prefer pinterest
Pin it for later here -->

I am publishing this as of Jan 1 but I didn't start the challenge until January 13

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