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Monday, November 07, 2016

Be Still & Know

I bought Rebekah Lyons Freedom to fall book and am enjoying the worksheets, so when I saw her Be still & know study I decided that I would like to participate. I thought that I would share with all my blog followers. I hope that some of you join the study.
Thanks for joining me for Be Still & Know. I wrote this study because I think we need a daily reminder to pause. And breathe. And remind ourselves to find our confidence, purpose, rest, and freedom in a God who has it all under control.
Each day will feature a verse, encouragement for you to consider, questions for reflection and an image to share! The study is divided into 3 sections. Over the next 3 weeks, you'll receive 5 days of content for each section including a summary video on the 5th day. From there, you're welcome to use day 6 and 7 to reflect and review OR you can dive right into the next section. Go through the content as quickly our slowly as you'd like.

  1. Is there something specific holding you back from stepping into Christ’s freedom right now? Perhaps risk, fear, doubt, or heartbreak?
  2. Free people free people. Is there a way you might help someone else discover Christ’s freedom?

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