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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Tru Love

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

THIS WAS ON ANGELA's BLOG and i thought that it was super cute and it gives me a blog entry for today (heee heee elaine can't get mad now)


queenygirltara said...

very cool!

{Ãñgê£}ä said...

Great choice for the cover! That's a really great picture.

And Elaine get mad? - Does MISS ELAINE have a BLOG yet?????

Loreluca said...

LOVE that mag cover page!!! Actually, being the Mexican Blonde I am, you had me fooled for a minute. Was going to ask if this is like a local zine or something...
That's right, Angela, scold Elaine!!! I'm still waiting, too!

Anonymous said...

I don't blog...heck, I am lucky to get online and stay online these days. I DO blog-hop and frequent some people's blogs...and KNOW if YOU don't You guys can keep looking for mine though. It might keep you out of the other trouble I bet you can get into!
:-D Elaine - the non-Blogger