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Monday, June 02, 2008

Mute Mondays -- Assignment Beauty

To me there would be nothing more beautiful at this moment than this man singing to me ... LOL i am on my five minute vacation and wish for the day! But we all know that true beauty lies within!


{Ãñgê£}ä said...

Hmmm... Why does your idea of beauty not surprise me? lol

I wish I had the money to get him to sing at your wedding - wouldn't that be awesome!!!

Pauline said...

OMG that would ROCK .... come on with a hat on and that smile ... it just makes me take a vacation ... a mental one anyways!

Loreluca said...

MAN! I usually feel soooo ignoramus (like Brian would say), because I have NOT CLUE who this guys is!!! Isn't that sad???
I'll trust your good judgment and think that the guys is GOOD! (who is he, anyways???)