This hike is in a state park, which means that there is an entrance fee. We paid $12 and we did this in 2015 (let see in a few years how much prices will be) I don't mind paying the price as it helps the parks and provides wonderful places for us to hike. We finally arrived, it was Tim, Taylor and myself in our car and Kim, Destiny and Otto in their car. We had a bit of a hard time finding the entrance, I guess relying on cache placement isn't the best way to get their. When we paid to get in we got a great map of the park and the ranger told us where to park and where the trail head was, guess this will be a busy place. The best part of the park is that there is real bathrooms and to me that is important I am not a fan of peeing in the wild and I like to wash my hands after I potty so porta potties are not my favorite things. Okay lets go!!! We took the high road because it was suppose to be shadier and longer, but that is okay a little shade is better than no shade, and it was on the hotter side the day we did the hike. A little way into the hike and we found porta potties and the visitor center, where the children were able to touch the furs of many animals and I was able to get a medallion of my walking stick (you know the important parts of the trip, souveniors), please take cash as they do not have a working atm machine :( ... lets keep walking and no playing in the streams, something about a toad that is making the water unhealthy, but no worries I am on a walk and I am packed with plenty of water and snacks, just incase I get lost LOL
WE MADE IT!!!! I love M*A*S*H
There were many signs like this around the area telling you were the original set had been and what you were looking at :)
Group shot
Picture from the area where the helicopters would land.
My collage of pictures, the little shed area had lots of pictures of what the site looked like in the days of filming
Tim ... this picture is taken from the helicopter pad, and the tent area is where the mess tent use to be, there are trash cans and picnic tables, we stopped and had a bite to eat!WHERE OH WHERE DO WE WANNA GO NEXT????????????
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